
Automate the assembly of large structures to improve production efficiency and reduce costs


Leica automated solutions are widely used as “assembly assist measuring (MAA : Metrology Assisted Assembly)”. A revolutionary system that enables significant cost reductions and labor saving for assembly performed on dedicated machines traditionally used for such tasks and human-assisted assembly.

Proposal Contents

Leica Laser Tracker AT960(SR)/MR/LR/XR + T-Mac + software (SA Machine, TTS development software, etc.)

The work piece can be automatically assembled by monitoring its position accurately using a 6 degrees of freedom tracker system. This guarantees very high productivity and greatly improves product quality.
Leica Laser Tracker is also used for automatically assembling aircraft. Using the T-MAC system with simple movable jigs or parts installed on the robot enables highly precise assembly while controlling to 6 degrees of freedom on-line.
Using Leica Laser Tracker enables highly reliably assembly without depending on absolute accuracy for the robot and jigs.

System Configuration

AT960(main unit)

Data processing software



Measuring tools

System Image

Related Product

Leica Laser Tracker AT960

Leica T-Mac

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